P: (907) 339-4650
F: (907) 339-4694
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
State of Alaska Required Posting of 10 Most Commonly Performed Services
Per state law, we are required to post annually a list of our 10 most frequently billed service codes from the six sections of Category I of the Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT codes”) book, as adopted by the American Medical Association. The six sections are:
Evaluation and Management
Pathology and Laboratory
Codes 99201-99499
Codes 00100-01999;99100-99140
Codes 10021-69990
Codes 70010-79999
Codes 80047-89398
Codes 90281-99199; 99500-99607
The state department responsible for overseeing this law is the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), their website is: http://dhss.alaska.gov/Pages/default.aspx.
DISCLAIMER: CPT Copyright 2020. American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. The CPT codes are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The AMA specifically disclaims all liability for use or accuracy of any CPT codes.
By law, we are required to tell you that the “undiscounted price” that we are required to report may, in the state’s words, “be higher or lower” than the amount an individual will actually pay for the health care services described on these lists. To translate this required statement, it means that if we are an in-network provider with your insurance, the price could be significantly lower than the price listed here. If we are not in network with your insurance, our price will be no higher than the price listed here. If you are able to make other arrangements to pay any difference, it may still be significantly discounted. Each individual’s circumstance will vary by their insurance and by the arrangements made with this office.
The following are insurances for which we are an in-network provider:
Alaska Worker's Compensation
Blue Cross Blue Shield/Premera
Federals Worker's Compensation
First Health
Moda Health
United Health Care
For all other insurances, we are not considered an in-network provider. But, we are willing to work with you to provide the best care for the best price possible.
As required by the law, you may request to be be provided with an estimate of the anticipated charges for your nonemergency care. Please do not hesitate to ask for this information. This estimate will only include our estimated fees; we cannot provide estimates for the cost of other facilities or providers (example: the cost of your hospital stay for surgery or the cost of an anesthesiologist’s services); these providers will need to be contacted directly in order to obtain an estimate of their costs. We will provide you with contact information so that you can obtain estimates from these individuals.